Jim Reese Newest Member of the Iowa Harness Racing Hall of Fame
Please join us in congratulating, Jim Reese, as the newest member of the Iowa Harness Racing Hall of Fame.
Jim has been a longtime supporter of Iowa Harness Racing in many ways. He has served as Presiding Judge and Paddock Judge during the pari-mutual racing at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in the late 1980’s. He has been on the fair board of the Taylor County Fair and Superintendent of Speed since racing started up there again over 20 years ago. Without a lot of hard work and Jim’s dedicated efforts, there would not be racing at Bedford.
Faithfully serving as a director of IaHHA and Treasurer for 38 years, Jim has been a motivating force for the Association, since its inception in 1980. His prudent and frugal oversite of the Association’s funds are deeply appreciated, knowing that his supervision has saved our organization thousands of dollars.
Not only has Jim served as Treasurer of the IaHHA, but he also served as Treasurer of our PAC (political action committee), managing this account since it was formed in 2006. His efforts to promote and encourage political activity by and for our Association have been exemplary. Jim has helped plan and attended almost every “Day at the Capital” for Iowa horse racing. He has also met with many legislators in his district as well as others over the years. Jim has also been a voice for Harness Racing in Iowa by attending numerous Iowa Racing Commission meetings on behalf of our Association.
Jim Reese’s may years of dedicated service to our Association make him a very worthy addition to the Iowa Harness Horse Hall of Fame.
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