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Graduate Report  11-20-23 to 11-26-23

Graduate Report 11-20-23 to 11-26-23

| November 28, 2023

    by: Tara Spach   Monday (11/20) at Monticello, Marced Mercedes (Kyle Dibenedetto) had the three hole in the opener, NW300PSL5, $3200.  Getting away second to the quarter, Marced Mercedes found herself shuffled back to fourth as they raced past the three-quarters.  Looking for some racing room, Marced Mercedes stepped on the gas to […]

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Fenshuiprosperity Named 2023 Iowa Horse of the Year

Fenshuiprosperity Named 2023 Iowa Horse of the Year

| November 21, 2023

    by: Tara Spach — IaHHA   Awards were handed out Saturday (11/18) honoring top horses racing the 2023 Iowa circuit.   Two-year-old pacing filly, Fenshiuprosperity, captured the top honor, being named 2023 Horse of the Year.  Owned by Connie Roland and trained by her husband, Duane Roland, the Somestarsomewhere filly made twelve starts her […]

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Graduate Report  11-13-23 to 11-19-23

Graduate Report 11-13-23 to 11-19-23

| November 20, 2023

      by: Tara Spach — IaHHA   First batter up at Dover Downs on Monday (11/13) was Batten First who competed in race six, NW2 for $8000.  Getting away third from the four-hole, Ross Wolfenden sat with Batten First until they hit the top of the lane.  Asking for more, Batten First trotted […]

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Gulf Shores Ad

Gulf Shores Ad

| November 15, 2023

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Graduate Report  11.6.23 to 11.12.23

Graduate Report 11.6.23 to 11.12.23

| November 14, 2023

  Graduate Report 11.6.23 to 11.12.23 by: Tara Spach   On Monday (11/6), Batten First (Ross Wolfenden) drew the five hole in race five at Dover Downs, NW 2, for a purse of $8500.  As the gate folded, Batten First found himself sitting sixth at the quarter pole.  Following the field, Batten First maintained his […]

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IaHHA will be hosting a fund raiser

IaHHA will be hosting a fund raiser

| November 10, 2023

We are deeply saddened by today’s (November 9, 2023)  tragic event at Tioga Downs. During the annual banquet on November 18th, IaHHA will be hosting a fund raiser for the horsemen affected by the fire at Tioga. All proceeds from the stallion auction and individual donations collected will go directly to Tioga’s horsemen. Thank you […]

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Annual Meeting and Banquet

| October 13, 2023

The Annual Meeting and Banquet forms are available in the forms section for those of you non-members, who want to participate in the banquet. The forms have been sent by mail on Oct 7th to all members.    Banquet Registration Form November 2023 Ballot Letter 2023 Season            

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Races held at Kahoka, MO

Races held at Kahoka, MO

| July 26, 2023

  Tara Spach – IaHHA   With rain canceling races over the past two years, excited fans gathered in the grandstand and tailgated in the infield to watch harness racing at Kahoka, Missouri on Sunday (7/23).   In the opener, for three-year-old pacers, Greatest Honor (Royal Roland) sprinted from the gate to take the lead, with Beach […]

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First career wins for Iowa drivers

First career wins for Iowa drivers

| July 21, 2023

Tara Spach IaHHA Fair racing is in full swing in Iowa, with new drivers gaining their first lifetime wins. At Monticello on Thursday (7/20), Kolton Hauser was given the assignment to drive Minnie Vinnie in race two, featuring three-year-old and older Iowa-Registered pacers. At the start of the race, Hauser and Minnie Vinnie pushed the gate out of […]

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What Cheer sees multiple lifetime achievements

What Cheer sees multiple lifetime achievements

| July 17, 2023

  by: Tara Spach – IaHHA   With full cards on both Saturday (7/15) and Sunday (7/16), fans at What Cheer saw multiple lifetime achievements accomplished by Iowa Registered freshmen and sophomores.   On Saturday, five horses lowered their lifetime marks on a good track.  Starting off the trend in race one for two-year-old pacing colts, […]

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