“IaHHA is pleased to announce the 2018 scholarship winners!

| February 5, 2019


“IaHHA is pleased to announce the 2018 scholarship winners!  They are as follows:


Sadie Sandbulte-    daughter of Harv Sanbulte  Northwestern College


Max Philipp    Son of Debbie Philipp  Iowa State University


Autumn Hauser    daughter of Adam Hauser     Creighton University


Brianna  Jenson   daughter of   Larry & Nancy Jenson  Iowa State University


Karlee  Carey      daughter of  Mary Carey Mount Mercy  University


Lucas Roland  son of Dan & Jeri Roland    South Dakota State Univ


Kaden Ludwig brother of   Jason Ludwig   Upper  Iowa  University


Brendan Huffman  grandson of  Steve & June Huffman  Iowa State University


Each recipient was awarded a $500 scholarship.  Congratulations to all of the scholarship winners!”

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