iowaharnessracing's Latest Posts
Iowa favorites don’t disappoint at Eldon
–from Gretchen Roland, Iowa Harness Horse Association Eldon, IA — Seventeen fields of competitors took to the Eldon oval for the Wapello County Fair. The crowd enjoyed twilight racing on Wednesday (June 12) evening and free lunch for senior citizens on Thursday (June 13). Most of the divisional winners were crowd-pleasers, increasing the […]
Heavy Handed Hanna captures 3 Year Old Pace
By Tara Spach Social Media Coordinator Iowa Harness Horseman’s Association 2018 2 Year Old Pacing Filly Champion, Heavy Handed Hanna, wins the 3 Year Old Pace at Bedford, Iowa today (June 8). After a recall, Heavy Handed Hanna got the perfect pocket trip behind My Money Honey. Driver Will Roland waited patiently until […]

Iowa Harness racing started the season June 1st at Humboldt
Story by Tara Spach Humboldt, Iowa (June 1, 2019) – Iowa harness racing started the season on Saturday, June 1st. After being rained out at What Cheer May 27th, a full card of 13 races was held at Humboldt, Iowa. Five races of two year olds took the track, freshmen pacers and trotters racing for fans and most […]

Races today May 27 at What Cheer have been cancelled due to rain
The races today at What Cheer have been cancelled due to rain. We will hope for better weather next Saturday at Humboldt!
Complete Vaccination
All horses are going to be required proof of ehv1 vaccination. Please email your proof of vaccination Statement from a vet. Or copy of receipt for purchase of vaccine to: We will need this information before you will able to race.
Calling for Coggins!!
This is the time of year to update Coggins for all Iowa race horses. Please send a current copy to Dana Meyer, Executive Secretary at: PO Box 83 Humboldt, IA 50548 Or scan and email to: Please put “Coggins” in the subject line.

IaHHA has a new Executive Secretary!!
IaHHA has a new Executive Secretary!! Dana Meyer has accepted this position and will be starting immediately. An Iowa native and current resident of Humboldt, Dana is a former Business Manager of a radio station and owns her own nail salon. She has one daughter, an interior designer, who lives in Minneapolis, with her husband. […]
April 2019 Nomination Payments Due
Don’t forget!! The second payment for 2019 Iowa Foaled and Registered Nominations is due Monday, April 15th. Payment forms are available under the “FORMS” tab on the Iowa Harness Horseman’s Association website.
2019 Iowa Foaled & Registered Nomination Form 2019 Iowa Sires Stakes Nomination Form 2019 Iowa-Registered 2YO & 3YO Nominations
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