At-Large IAHHA Board Member Election
2021 Board Member Ballot
2021 Membership Application
Dear IaHHA Member:
Due to the cancellation of the 2020 annual banquet, we are sending out the ballot for the open positions of the board members. Currently there are two At-Large spots that have expired. They are Jeff Carey and Mark Mintun board member seats. Mark is no longer going to be on the board. The other position is for Scott Smith in District 2. No one is running against Scott in District 2. Each member is to vote for 2 people that have been nominated in the At-Large section of the ballot.
We are enclosing a ballot for each person to fill out and mail back. Each member is receiving this letter and needs to have a current membership for 2021 in order to vote. All membership forms must be filled out entirely for each member. I have highlighted the items that must be filled out on the membership application. Even if you have more than 1 person in your household that is a member, all the items must be filled out completely for each member.
We have some memberships that have been mailed to Jim Reese and I have that list so those of you who have done that don’t need to worry about it not being in your envelope. If you’re not sure if your membership has been received, contact me or Jim Reese.
There can only be 1 membership, 1 payment and 1 ballot in the return envelope. I have put your address on the return envelope along with the return address. Please use the envelope enclosed. All ballots with membership and payment must be received by Dana by January 22nd. All votes will be counted that evening. No late ballots, or membership without payment, will be accepted.
For anyone that has not been a member and wants to become a member, they can print both the membership application and the ballot off of our website. They need to follow the same requirements as listed above. 1 membership application, 1 payment, and 1 ballot per envelope along will complete return address on the envelope, mailed to IaHHA, PO Box 83, Humboldt, IA 50548-0083.
Please fill out the papers and return as soon as possible so your vote counts.
Any questions, feel free to contact me at 515-341-9034.
Thank you!
Dana Meyer
Executive Secretary
Iowa Harness Racing Association
Category: NEWS